Posts Tagged ‘2010’


Letter #93: Happy New Year!

January 1, 2011

Dear 2011,

I’m glad you’re here, and I’m excited to see what lies ahead. I look forward to many more great memories, changes, challenges, successes, failures, laughs and anything else you have in store.

Here’s a glimpse at how I got to ring you in…Thanks for letting it be with great friends!

(The girls…post the “Naked” victory!)

(My date for the event, Blake, John and Lackey’s son…tux and all!)

(Blake, Jeter, Jen-@marriageproject, Becca-who has an interesting blog, Lackey)

(Amy and I…All the single ladies!!!!! )

(The boys…Chad, Kyle-@ourmarriageproject, Zach, John, Matt, Rusty)

(Kayla, Nathan, Lackey’s youngest, and I)

Wishing everyone a fun, memorable and blessed you,

Thankful for great friends


Letter #92: The Best of 2010

December 31, 2010

Dear 2010,

In honor of the last day of you, I think I’m supposed to make a bunch of resolutions for next year. Forget that…I’m already committed to Insanity and blogging; I don’t know how much more I can add to my plate. Instead, I’ve been thinking about some of my favorite memories, lessons learned and immense changes that happened during you. You were a fun year filled with more life changes than anticipated…moving to Branson (for the second time),  becoming a grown up (I am about to have a 401K?!) and apparently I’ve become a writer (or at least tried to).

Instead of reflecting on all the awesome things that happened or making a ton of eventual failing resolutions for 2011, here are 10, in no particular order, of the best decisions I made during you.

  • Switching to Arm and Hammer Complete Care Extra Whitening with Baking Soda and Peroxide toothpaste.
  • Going on a cruise with 44 of my 70 classmates from the Kanakuk Institute and, of course, ‘closing down the club’ nightly.
  • Lengthening small groups at K-West from just Free Time to being through Total Release (group decision)!
  • Changing from 2% to skim milk…it’s SO much better!
  • Making the trek to Hennessey, OK in the middle of camp for the ‘engagement party’ of a lifetime to celebrate @marriageproject’s surprise wedding…SO worth the 12 hours of driving and four hours of sleep!
  • Turning down jobs and going into my 5th summer at K-West with the next step being extremely unknown. Learned lessons of trusting the Lord I never would have otherwise and ended up in Branson for round two doing a job I love!
  • Converting to a Mac user. It truly is the bright side.
  • Forking over my life savings to journey to the Promised Land…Israel! (the above picture: Temple Mount in Jerusalem…where Old Testament sacrifices occurred and where Jesus will sit when He returns!)
  • Selling out to writing my belief statements at the Kanakuk Institute and thoroughly defining my beliefs from a biblical perspective (I have SO much more to learn).
  • Deciding to begin this blogging journey…I’m not sure I had expectations when I started, but if I did, they have been blown out of the water! More than anything, it’s been good for me. To reflect, to instill consistency, to simply process life rather than just going through the motions. Not to mention, I’m floored that people are actually interested in this thing. It has connected me with people I had lost touch with, enhanced the depth of family and friends truly knowing me and has prompted hilarious and really neat conversation. This is hands down the best decision I made this year.

Here’s to 2011 and the excitement, struggles, friendships, fun and blessings it will bring,

The Decision Maker (if only all my decisions were this good!)